- Saturday, September 19, 2015 9:58 PM
- DisneyDan
Hello everyone,
Due to travelling and other life matters, I was unable to review the August TMNT Box. However, September's has arrived, and I now have more time, so I have decided to review both boxes in one post.
Let's start with August's box.
The outside of the box:

The contents of the box:

Now let's take a look at each item up close.

Pop Vinyl figures are always a good asset to have. They have become quite popular and collectable, so while I have the TMNT ones already (the box producers aren't to know this of course) I can always sell them on again later. Although on this occasion, I am going to keep the Foot Soldier as I am going to try to build a Foot Soldier army!

As with the Pop Vinyls, I have all of the Mystery Minis, sadly. Again though, they are a worthwhile item to receive, and I can always find a home for them. You'll notice I didn't open the box. I am in two minds about whether I should open it or not. If I sell it later will someone want to know what is inside or will they prefer a mystery box? I'll have to think about that.

The oddball item in this month's box is this weird Leonardo water squirter. I suppose the box producers thought that a lot of kids would appreciate this.

The t-shirt is another good item to receive. The design is nice, and one can never have too many TMNT t-shirts, right?!
Overall I would give this box three and a half out of five. I was a bit disappointed that there were only four items in the box, and two of them I had already. However, the fact I am a crazy collector and have most stuff already isn't the box makers' fault. The water squirter is really a throw away item, and so the box loses value with that.
I feel as though my review for the September box is going to be a repeat of everything I just said. Let's take a look.
The outside of the box:

The contents of the box:

Let's take a look at each item up close.

Unlike the Foot Soldier, I can't really foresee me needing an army of Pop Vinyl Michelangelos any time soon.

I complained in July when I got the first box that the hard candy lollipop was a pointless item to include. Although I'd prefer not to receive candy in a collector box, I'll give this one a pass for the simple fact it is a Donatello Pez dispenser. At least I can keep the dispenser once I have eaten the candy.

Again, I have the problem with the Mystery Minis, as I described above. I'll keep this one boxed up also, until I decide what to do with it.

Another decent t-shirt that I will wear, so a good inclusion. The final item though leaves me wondering, once again...

At least it's an extra item in the box, right?
I would give this box three and a half out of five, like the previous one. The Pop Vinyl figure, the Mystery Mini and the t-shirt are good items to receive, even if I have some of them already. The Pez dispenser is questionable, and well, the eye mask, what can I say?
If anyone needs me, I'll be parading around wearing my Leonardo eye mark eating Pez from Donatello's head...
Have a great week everyone,