An update on life - I'm still here!

Hello everyone!

Wow, has it ever been a long time since I wrote here! Well, life happens, and unfortunately it becomes harder to keep up to date with every aspect of one’s life.

Since my last entry, Jon and I moved to Florida, fulfilling one of our life goals to be near the theme parks, beaches and living in warmer climes.

It was a bit of a bumpy ride for a while. Moving 900 miles south was a huge effort, but we did it!

In this new home I have been fortunate enough to commandeer a room for my ever growing TMNT collection, and wow, is it neat to finally have the space to make real a dream vision!

A lot else has happened in the TMNT world since my last post.

Of course the 2012 series ended, and the 2018 series started. We have had a whole new action figure line, plus tons of new collectibles, comics, and even a Batman crossover movie! How wild is that?!

My goal, now that I have my own dedicated TMNT office space, is to write regularly here and continue my reviews that I started so long ago now!

I don’t ever believe anything is ever “out of date” - just because something isn’t currently airing or part of the mainstream, it doesn’t make it less relevant to peoples lives. So, if I’m behind on my reviews, well so be it. But be rest assured, I’m here, and I’ll be writing once again! I have so much cool stuff to catch up on!

Cowabunga, dudes and dudettes!

