- Tuesday, August 30, 2016 9:11 AM
- DisneyDan
Hello everyone,
In this second and final part to my LEGO Angry Birds Movie review I will be taking a close-up look at the three larger sets in the range. If you would like to see my review of the three smaller sets,
you can find that by clicking here.
We will continue in ascending size order, and start this review with Pig City Teardown. The set number is 75824, and it contains 386 pieces, including four minifigures.
You can purchase this set from Amazon, here.
The front and the back of the box:

The contents of the box:

As always, construction was split into several stages.
Here's where I was at after bag one:

This is what I had after bag two:

The finished set after bag three:

The fronts and the backs of the minifigures:
Piggy One:


Piggy Two:


I would give this set five out of five. While it is more difficult to illustrate some of the moving features in a still photo, hopefully you can see from the photos above, there are a lot of really fun and interactive parts to it. The boulder on the top tips to release the umbrella down the zip line; the boulder on the chain drops to make the dynamite below it "explode"; the gangway collapses; and the catapult flings the birds. For a fairly small set it's great that it includes four minifigures, too. I love some of the details such as the ice creams, the hot dogs and the piggy phone. They all add up to make this set a fun and worthwhile one to have in your collection.
The next set is Piggy Pirate Ship, which is set number 75825, and contains 620 pieces, including four minifigures.
You can purchase this set here, on Amazon.
The front and the back of the box:

The contents of the box:

What I had after bag one:

Construction progress after bag two:

Progress after bag three:

What I had after bag four:

The set after bag five:

Finally, the finished product after bag six:

The fronts and the backs of the minifigures:



Pirate Pig:

Again, I would give this set five out of five. While you can't see it in the photos, the set has a lot of moving parts. When you wheel it along the table, the oars move and the paddle wheels on the sides rotate. You can also raise and lower the boulder on the front with the turn of a wheel, and the net at the back is on a moving arm. There is a hidden compartment under the floor which has has King Pig's crown under it, and there are doors on the sides which conceal an apple and some dynamite. The figures again are fun ones, with the inclusion this time of a pirate and Bomb. I just want to point out that the masts are surprisingly tall, and so you will need somewhere with a lot of head room to display this set!
Finally we come to the last set in the range, King Pig's Castle. King Pig's Castle is set number 75826, and contains 859 pieces, including five minifigures.
You can purchase this set on Amazon, here.
The front and the back of the box:

The contents of the box:

The construction stages in this set were a little different than usual. For some reason the first six bags were grouped into twos, so for example, you had to empty out both bags one and two in order to build the first part. Why they didn't just make it four bags, or label multiple bags with the same number, I have no idea.
Anyway, after bags one and two, this is what I had:

Then, after bags three and four, I was here:

After bag fives and six, this is where I was:

Progress after bag seven:

Finally, the finished set after bag eight:

The fronts and the backs of the minifigures:
King Pig:

Chef Pig:


Mighty Eagle:

Foreman Pig:

As with the previous two sets, I would give this one five out five. Again, it has so many cool things in it. There is a little launching flying crate that the Foreman Pig sits in; one of the towers can topple over; and best of all, the eggs can go down the slide from the centre tower, through a net and land in the cauldron below! The King Pig and Chef Pig minifigures are really cool, and the Mighty Eagle really is mighty - he's huge! A really fun set with some great interactive features, that can easily be added to the rest of the range.

That's it for my LEGO Angry Birds Movie review! If you have any comments you can leave them in the Disqus section below.
Have a great day everyone,